August 11, 2019
Earlier this year, we were given one of the highest compliments possible: an invitation back into a clients home. This is not an uncommon request as we are often called to update a different room in a home with existing clients. It is always an honor to be asked to continue a design once a room or portion of a home is completed. The fun part was being invited to update a space we had designed 10 years ago.
The family had grown, their needs had evolved and styles have changed. It has been ten years. While we have occasionally kept in touch with this client, a holiday card or comment on social media, working in their personal space and being invited back into their lives was so exciting! We had enjoyed working with them years ago and that is always a joy- to reconnect with clients that you work well with. Now, the babies were no longer babies, there were four legged family members who were not part of the original story and our clients daily lives had changed both professionally and personally. It was time for a refresher.

A great room with a great view needed a little updating.
Due to all of this, the main area needed a face lift. Structurally, the home was still great. A walk out to a beautiful outdoor space and a large open floor plan for the heart of the home – the kitchen and the great room- didn’t need any major renovating. Instead, finishings were changed out. Painted cabinets updated the kitchen, worn wood flooring was given a new chance at life and furniture that was a better fit for this home was ordered. Simple side panels were to replace the heavier valances and accessories that were just right when we created this space the first time now needed to be a reflection of current styles.
One of the things that the Mrs. half of our client asked was to keep the home warm and cozy while giving her a push into some new textures and colors. The Mr. half asked for functionality- fabrics that will last through teenagers lounging and parties thrown, updated color pallets that weren’t as traditional and maybe ventured even a little more masculine this time around. They both wanted to create a space that invited not only friends and family to feel welcome but to keep their growing children in the space instead of the seclusion of the mysterious teenage bedroom.

Updated Colors and Textures Created A Space Reflecting how the family had grown in the last decade.
Grays replaced brown tones, floral prints were replaced with classy animal print chairs that swiveled to a gorgeous view and a huge sectional sofa added extra seating for movie nights, game playing and lazy sunday afternoons.

These chairs are as comfortable as they are gorgeous!
The space turned out even better than we hoped thanks to a client that was open to change, allowing us to push them out of their comfort zone a little (this is never as easy as you expect it to be – home is a very personal reflection of those that live in it!) and we finished this update with a feeling of not only the satisfaction of a job well done but knowing that when they walk into the house it is with a sense of coming home.