all the beautiful things

Our musings, inspirations, and designs

Laundry rooms can be messy but with organization can be a great place to do chores.

  Laundry Rooms. We often see so many of them by accident. Let me explain what I mean. We started a new client’s home today.  Most of the home is changing structurally but as we walked past the laundry room, Mrs. looked at me and said, “This is such a disaster. I feel like I […]

Plaid Christmas Ornaments

When we think,  “Christmas Design,” our thoughts frequently go to Tartan Plaid! You can find this pattern everywhere at this time of year. Pillows, stockings, scarves, dishes, you name it. While we love it, we wanted to know why it was so symbolic. We decided to do a little research and check out the origins […]